Join the Prenda Guide Community —a vibrant space where guides connect, share insights, and access resources to enhance their microschool journey. Dive into inspiring stories, practical tips, and professional development opportunities while building meaningful connections with fellow educators. Together, we’re reimagining education and empowering the next generation of learners!
Is this like social media?
Yes. The Prenda Guide Community provides a home feed, private groups , events, and direct messaging.
In addition, the Prenda Guide Community provides exclusive learning & development opportunities and content specific Prenda learning model and core values.
Prenda encourages open discussion, diverse opinions & perspectives, and even reasonable dissent. We will never moderate member voice unless it is abusive, irresponsible, or threatening in nature.
Can I use the Prenda Guide Community to coordinate with others?
Yes! Members can join their local community groups, post their own content, coordinate field trips and events in their areas, reach out to other guides, post struggles & successes with their guiding experience, receive help from other Guides and so much more! You can also use the Prenda Guide Community to connect with the Prenda team, share your ideas, and work with us to shape the future of Prenda.
Can parents/guardians of students in microschools use the Prenda Guide Community?
The Prenda Community Platform is only for active Prenda Guides. If you are a Prenda parent or guardian searching for a microschool for your child, or interested in connecting with the greater Prenda community, join the Prenda community for your state on Facebook.
How does Prenda use the Prenda Guide Community?
Prenda posts general & audience-specific announcements, events, written content, and learning & development resources. We also provide support and guidance to members whenever and wherever we can.
Our mission is to empower learners, and we'd love to have you join us.
You can learn more at